Welcome to 2023! As with every new year, I like to set a few goals and aspirations for the new year. Last year, my goal was to run a half marathon, and I did! It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it was done. When I ran across that finish line, the feeling of joy I felt completing that race was unlike any feeling I’d ever felt. This year, chasing that same feeling of completion, I am taking on a Year of #MeMades! Essentially, I am going to be making a wardrobe worth of clothes, and in today’s post, I wanted to share how I’m going to do it!
Inspiration Behind The Year of #MeMade
I’ve always done my best to be honest about my journey with my body, and at the last few months of 2022, I started looking at my body a little differently. After my race, I had gained some muscle in new areas, along with some new medications for anxiety, I had gained some weight as well. In my life, I had also been put in a few situations where I felt as though my body wasn’t worthy the love it deserved. So this journey of making my wardrobe is me reclaiming my body. Making clothes that make me happy, bring me joy, and most of all are made with love, and made for ME. By ME! It’s a journey of self love where I get to make things that make me happy and feel my best. One that I am excited to share with you!
“Your ENTIRE wardrobe?!”
Well, yes and no. Essentially, I will be working on creating a capsule wardrobe. Think those French wardrobe essential pins that have 4 pants, some tops, sweaters. That’s what I’m making this year! I’ve been pinning Pinterest pins that inspire me, along with saving patterns for my dream closet makes all December. It’s honestly been so much fun planning a Just Lillia line. From the fabrics, the colors, the theme, I truly have found joy in designing all over again.
How I’m Staying Accountable
To make things easier, and to have some accountability, I’ll be documenting the process in a short video series. It’s going to be a 52 piece series that posts every Saturday with updates on the process. Along with this, to help plan the #MeMades, I am working on a calendar that is broken down into the 4 quarters of the year to help plan my makes. I’m treating it like seasons, so right now, I’m working on spring wear right now, along with designing some fun things from my inspiration to release only for my upcoming Patreon launch! Is this a lot? Yes. Am I so freaking excited? Also yes.
How can I follow this journey!
Are you as excited as I am? SWEET! To keep up with the short video series, follow me over on Tik Tok at @just.lilliaa. I’ll also be sharing 4 updates on the blog here, detailing the in’s and out’s of what it’s like designing a line along with fun photos of what I’ve made. Want to make what I am making? You’ll want to subscribe to my Patreon. My Patreon page is going to get regular weekly updates that includes sketches, live sew with me’s, and access to the patterns I design each month. Plus even more, but you’ll have to check it out to see! Let’s get started.
Happy Sewing!
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